I am sorry to have deserted you for so long! Life gets busy sometimes, doesn't it? To recap my life, since we last spoke I have worked on a new musical in Hollywood titled
Baby It's You. I filled in for the Assistant Stage Manager for a few days and it was a really fun show. I also have been doing some odd jobs, working on my teacher's bathroom (where I have learned how to put up dry wall, put up cement board, countersink, use a stone saw and lay tile!) and cat sitting/house sitting for another teacher. So, if you are still interested in my little blog, be excited! Because there will be several posts to come.
Side note. I am sitting in my teacher's house watching her TV and there is an "Encore: Love" movie channel. Awesome, I know. But riddle me this: why is
Superbad playing on it?
Back to the point. Back to blogging.
My friend Jordan came to a party with the most delicious veggie dip. I couldn't get a hold of him, so I decided to guess at the recipe. It turned out to be a decent dip (though not at ALL as good as Jordan's), but and even better quesadilla filling! Quesadillas are one of my 2 year old niece, Violet's favorite foods and once even held one up and informed us it was a "Love Quesadilla" her mom Jen made her.

Ingredients: (Makes 4 quesadillas)
1 can Sweet Corn
1 can Beans (I used Ralph's Organic 3 bean)
Shredded cheese
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil
Citrus Juice of sorts (I used Orange and Lemon Juice)
Salt and Pepper (to taste)
1 Tomato
1. Open both cans of corn and beans. Drain and put in a mixing bowl.
2. Add 1/2 cup of juices - Use your own discretion here. Do you want a more sweet or more tart flavor? I'm sure you've noticed I subscribe to the "throw a bunch of crap in a bowl and see if it turns out delicious" system of cooking.
3. Add 1-2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, using your personal discretion yet again.
4. Salt and pepper to taste.
Now here is where you can use this as a dip. I found it to be a nice cold summer substitute for hot dips. But, I was not 100% satisfied. I let it sit in the fridge for a day and marinate.
Quesadilla continued...
5. Heat pan on stove. Depending on your pan type, you may or may not need non-stick spray. I found it made my tortilla greasy. Ew. Cover 1/2 of tortilla with mixture, top with cheese. Fold over tortilla. Flip when it seems appropriate. This can be difficult. Don't worry if some spills out. It will remain delicious.
6. Serve with tomato slices. Or whatever suits your fancy.
COST BREAKDOWN1 can of Sweet Corn (99 Cent Store):
$11 can beans (Ralph's):
$1Bag of Tortillas (99 Cent Store):
$11/2 Bag of shredded cheese (Walmart, $1.98):
$.991 Tomato:
$1 $ 1
$ 1
$ 1
$ 1
+ $ 1
$ 5/4 = $1.25 a personI know that a lot of the ingredients I listed aren't on the cost breakdown. This is where we come to a little tough love. There are things I like to call essential ingredients. Sometimes you have to make an investment. Much like the $20,000 additional loan I just had to take out for my last year of grad school. Only on a much smaller scale. Olive oil won't be $20,000. And if it is, leave the store immediately. Once you've made the investment, it will sit around your kitchen waiting for you to use on your next adventure. Again, much like my degree will be sitting around waiting for me to use it.
On that note, here's to eating on a budget!